8 Top Benefits of Working with a Spiritual Coach
Working with a spiritual coach offers numerous benefits that reach far beyond the immediate surface of personal development. It's an investment in your deepest well-being, one that can transform not only how you view yourself and the world around you but how you engage with it. Whether you're seeking peace, purpose, or profound transformation, a spiritual coach can be a guiding light on the path to your most enlightened self.
How to create and step into your vision board
Today, I wanted to give you some tips on how to firstly create and then step into your vision board. If you have never created a vision board before, you are about to have SO much fun! A vision board is a visual image of all the things you want to bring into your life. Yes, you get the chance to literally paint and cultivate the vision of everything you desire. In front of you!
My Guided Visualisation to 800 Entrepreneurs
Last week I had the pleasure of helping 800 entrepreneurs raise their energetic vibration. Our energy frequency is 100% within our control.
Consider this a direct reach out to you to explore the ethereal realms of your existence. In this powerful FREE guided visualisation I will share with you, you can delve into the profound tapestry of your being.
How far have you fallen down the scroll hole?!
Sometimes I find myself in a scroll hole looking at someone’s granny’s dog and before I know it, I’ve wasted a whole hour of my productive day! Social Media is fantastic for so many things but it can be an absolute drain on your productivity levels.
Mastering the art of true self-forgiveness
Before I start, please firstly know that Self-forgiveness is one of the most crucial paths to healing and growth.
It is also one of the hardest.
Stepping into a higher vibration
In our fast-paced and often chaotic world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, leaving us feeling drained, disconnected, and out of sync. However, by consciously stepping into a higher vibration, we can elevate our energy and experience profound positive changes in our lives.
How to be absolutely fabulous…
Being fabulous is a state of mind, an attitude, and a way of living. It is about feeling confident, beautiful, and living a life that is true to who you are. Being fabulous is not about being perfect, it is about being the best version of yourself.
My Crazy Woo Woo Week!
Did you hear about my "woo woo" week? Woweeee, the coincidences have been flying into me recently, and boy oh boy did I feel that big full moon on Sunday (the Snow Moon created a very powerful positive shift for us all for this week!)
The day I met the Queen
2022 will always be the year I lost both my Grandmothers. I will cherish the stoic qualities I have learned from both these incredible women. Cut from the same cloth…a rare breed remaining from a generation of war-time heroines. I witnessed my grandmother refuse to show weakness or pain in the final days of her life. In our modern days of convenience and comfort, where we choose trainers over heels and loungewear and Zoom over a polka dot dress and afternoon tea, we must remember these lessons from these quintessentially British female ancestral figures.
How To Be A Leader
Now, I know that instantly, already some of you, upon hearing the title of this Blog post are already thinking “oh this isn’t for me - I’m not a leader” or “I don’t want to be a leader” or “I’m not a natural born leader” or “I’m happy to just slot in and follow the crowd.” Hang with me, because I know that there is a leader within you, even if you don’t realise it yet.
Resilience is defined as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.”
This ability needs to be mastered to enable us to cope better with the crazy demands of modern day life.