How to create and step into your vision board

Today, I wanted to give you some tips on how to firstly create and then step into your vision board.  If you have never created a vision board before, you are about to have SO much fun!  A vision board is a visual image of all the things you want to bring into your life.  Yes, you get the chance to literally paint and cultivate the vision of everything you desire.  In front of you!  

A vision board can be created digitally on your phone (there are some incredible apps now) although my favourite way is to have a crafty creative afternoon with old magazines and newspapers, scissors, glue and stickers!  You have the POWER to create your own destiny and the Law of Attraction states that when we truly visualise the things we want with excitement, joy and gratitude, we can raise our vibration to become magnetic to attract those desires.  Believe me, it works! I have been mastering this art for years and I have manifested my desired life ranging from my husband and children, my incredible global online business, as well as very specific woo woo things, which I will show you!  


Here are my top tips for creating your own best possible vision board:

  • Raise your vibration before commencing.  Focus on love and gratitude and say some thanks for all the things you are grateful for that you already have.  Focus on how blessed you are.  The Universe LOVES to hear your gratitude and is more likely to give you more back!  

  • Write a list of all the different facets of what you want in your life.  

What are your EMOTIONAL desires?  Freedom? Joy? Peace? Calm

Your PHYSICAL wishes? Health? Energy? Vitality?  

What MEMORIES do you want to create?  Holiday destinations? 

What are the TANGIBLE things you desire? New home? Car, etc? 

  • Then think of what kind of images represent this?  For example, if you want good health, you could cut out pictures of hiking walks, exercise, healthy fruits and vegetables.  If you want to feel more peace and tranquillity in your life, you could select images such as massages, yoga, meditation.

  • Get super creative and start sticking them all together on a large piece of card or a piece of paper that can be mounted into a frame.  Intersperse the images with words depicting what you want to attract into your life.

It is even more fun to do this with a family member or in a group.  I recently ran a group vision boarding session with a special bunch of mental health workers.  Collectively, this session enabled them to raise their vision of what they needed to focus on bringing into their lives.  This exercise also encourages you to dream a bit bigger and reach for the stars!  We only have one life!

Are you ready for the spooky woo woo!?  I LITERALLY stepped into the vision board that I created with my sons several years previously.  Check out the plane to the Maldives and the private beach we resided on for that perfect week.  Who knew the plane would be white with a red stripe!? THAT is the power of the vision board.  Maldives was our “bucket list” holiday and I cannot express my gratitude that we have ticked that off our vision board. So, what is the secret to actually MAKING it happen, rather than stagnating as a dusty picture?  STAY in a high vibration.  ALWAYS.  When you are abundant with gratitude and joy every day and you count your blessings, you vibrate on a higher frequency, attracting all you desire.

I explain ALL of the proven strategies and exercises for perfecting the art of manifesting in my guided video course Become a Master Manifestor.

I can now offer access to this course at the specially reduced price of £88, just as a thankyou for being here. Click here to purchase.

Sending you so much love and a little nudge to go and create your Vision Board!

Nina xx

PS: Send me a pic when you have made it! Xx


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