My Guided Visualisation to 800 Entrepreneurs

Hi lovely soul

Last week I had the pleasure of helping 800 entrepreneurs raise their energetic vibration. Our energy frequency is 100% within our control.

Consider this a direct reach out to you to explore the ethereal realms of your existence. In this powerful FREE guided visualisation I will share with you, you can delve into the profound tapestry of your being.

Within the core of your essence lies a mystical symphony, an enchanting dance of energies that weave the very fabric of your reality. These energies are the key to unlocking the gates of your desired life, and today, you can start this guided journey to raise your energetic frequency to its highest possible state so that you can attract all that you desire, just like a magnet.

Your soul is made up of unique vibrational frequencies. Each frequency corresponds to an aspect of everything in your existence. When you elevate this frequency through visualisation and guided practise, you stay in a HIGHER VIBE!

It is often said that Richard Branson lives in a state of high frequency (and that is working out for him fabulously!) and you can too with my guided meditation.

You can listen to it as many times as you like, whatever time of the day works for you. The more you practise it, the more powerful you will become. It’s that simple!

It is a 12 minute guided audio where I hold your hand on this colourful and emphatic breathing and visual journey!

Click below for this FREE Meditation that you can access as many times as you desire, and feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Free Guided Visualisation Meditation

Please let me know how you get on!

With love and abundant wishes for you, today and every day!

Nina xx

PS: Please note that this is quite a powerful meditation so please take caution if you are pregnant or have any medical conditions.


How to create and step into your vision board


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