My Crazy Woo Woo Week!

Did you hear about my "woo woo" week?  Woweeee, the coincidences have been flying into me recently, and boy oh boy did I feel that big full moon on Sunday (the Snow Moon created a very powerful positive shift for us all for this week!) 


So a week or so ago, I shared an Instastory about how my husband and I went to the Cotswolds for his birthday and on the drive there I had a feeling that the day was going to be a bit out of the ordinary. I've had these feelings before and my husband, Sven, now fully comprehends my woo woo vibey moments (because the last time it happened, I told him I had a really strong feeling that the Queen was going to pass away that week and, well, she did, rest her soul.  


The feeling I had about The Queen was in a book shop and it was so compelling, I actually sent him a WhatsApp message to share this crazy strong feeling!


Anyway, a few weeks ago, I had shared a story on social media about how I had hit my head on a weight in the gym that morning (what a numpty!) and a lovely “school dad” friend, Adam, messaged me saying “that is so spooky. I did exactly the same thing today!”  We had a giggle about our clumsiness and that was that.


A week later, a lovely friend of mine arranged for me to come in and perform a manifestation and vision board session for her colleagues in the mental health department at the NHS. The brief was to lift their spirits! We had a lovely chat and she said to me “Oh you know, Adam. Your school dad friend! He’s best friends with my husband!” “NO WAY!” I said. “What a small world!”


The very next day was a Thursday afternoon. Not usually the kind of day for jaunts and adventure, but it was my husband’s birthday and I was treating him to an overnight stay in a little boutique hotel, deep in the Cotswolds.  During the 2 hour drive to there, I told him about this “Small World” connection with Adam, my friend and her husband.  And added how weird it was that on the same day I hit my head on a weight in the gym, he’d done the same thing!


We checked in to the cute little hotel (Dormy House - I highly recommend it for a cheeky getaway!) and we walked into the bar area and LO and BEHOLD….can you guess who was sitting there munching on a burger!?  Yes….Adam….the school dad. The one we were just talking about in the car. The one who hit his weight on a gym the same day as me the week before. WHAT are the odds in the middle of the Cotswolds on a Thursday afternoon!?  Needless to say, he was as shocked as us! 


And it's not just me having these "woo woo" experiences. Sven is becoming more aware of it too (he is milking his birthday by the way!) After the Cotswolds, he went on a ski trip! It was his 44th birthday and he sent me a picture of the airport gate and ticket numbers, both being 44…


These so-called coincidences happen all the time, to everyone - but there is no such thing as a coincidence! It’s all related to the power of the String Theory - we are all interlinked energy particles and those particles have consciousness.


Our lives are super busy. We’re running around non stop. That's modern life, right? But when you take a moment to stop, breathe, connect... You discover that we are all one, and there are messages everywhere.  These synchronicities are simply the universe reminding you that it is there and connecting you!


So, take some time out in your busy week to just connect and breathe and see what comes up. And I would love to hear any of your woo woo stories like this!


How to be absolutely fabulous…


The day I met the Queen